All interested individuals can begin their
kyudo training through
joining one of our recognised dojos,
and apply the HKKA membership
via their recommendation.
Membership fee: $220/yr
Application Requirement:
Application must be made through one of our recognised dojo
Details of beginner classes, please refers to the information from each corresponding dojo:
** All fees collected are for the purpose of
covering the running costs of the association.
Any balance will be saved to support the
promotion and sustainable development of
kyudo in Hong Kong.
Regular Practice Session
Practice sessions will be cancelled when any of these weather signals is hoisted two hours before the starting time:
- Typhoon signal No.8 or higher
- Black rainstorm warning
If any abovementioned weather signal is hoisted less than two hours before the starting time, arrangement for the practice session will be announced separately before practice is due to start.
Monthly practice fee: HK$800
The monthly practice fee must be paid before the practice month.
4/F, Wang Cheung Industrial Building, 168 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(about 10mins walk from Kwun Tong MTR station)